Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California







I'm thrilled you've made your way here...

I'M zahara, truth catalyst & somatic Success coach

I'm all about truth... inner truth

Those who know me know I'm me.  I'm incapable of hiding, pretending, lying, manipulating, or BSing. You will always know I'm being real with you and speaking my truth. I wasn't always this way. I spent many years with my voice silenced, forced to listen and never show true emotion or opinions. Emotional abuse, 100%...yet these years (and unleashing my voice and truth) have helped me become extremely good at my work. 

My mission is to guide you, and as many people as I can, to catalyze your inner wounds so you can awaken to their inner wisdom and truth. 

"Your wounds are the key to your awakening"


Perhaps you feel like I did for much of my childhood and early adulthood: completely consumed by depression, self-doubt, chronic pain, hopelessness, and an inability to dream.

For the first twenty-five years of my life, darkness consumed me; a rare, crippling autoimmune illness, years of hospitalizations, the resulting medical trauma, toxic family dynamics, and abuse.

I never thought I’d be here today. 

Rock Bottom

Halfway to earning my PhD in Clinical Psychology my body crashed, unaware that I had spent my life pushing beyond my physical, energetic, emotional, and spiritual boundaries. Rendering me nearly disabled, the disease sent a clear message by setting boundaries I was incapable of setting at the time.

I had no choice but to leave school and heal myself. This time for good.

Healing Journey

All of my experience and expertise told me it was time to connect my mind and body. So, for the first time in my life, I stepped outside of traditional Western medicine in search of something deeper.

Working with a somatic shaman-therapist (though she never ascribed to any labels), I released the echoes of the disease from my body that had weighed me down and riddled me with pain.

I learned to connect to my needs, my voice, and my truth. And in the process, I redesigned my life to optimize thriving. As a result, the illness went into remission within a year.


I had transformed a debilitating illness into my superpower, and at the age of 27, I was healthy for the first time in my life. 

With my newfound freedom, I left everything I knew behind to travel the world. 

Living overseas for nearly a decade, I immersed myself in ancient spiritual healing modalities. Not too long into my journey, I experienced an NDE, which sent me into an extended kundalini awakening and enlightenment. 

The Truth Catalyst

The awakening enlivened my intuitive healing abilities and guided me to my dharma, my work as The Truth Catalyst.

The Truth Catalyst Method, a blend of somatics, psychology, and spirituality, guides clients to unearth and integrate trauma buried somatically and subconsciously. We use a non-judgmental, supportive approach to teach clients to connect to their inner wisdom, shadow self, and early memories.

Leveraging the mind-body connection and inner truth, profound transformation results. Ultimately, our goal with every client is to not only to heal, but to awaken their authentic selves and purpose.

Post-Traumatic Transformation

While childhood trauma leads to negative outcomes in the long-term, research also shows it's ability to lead to growth and transformation in the majority of people.

That is why we here at The Truth Catalyst focus on the transformation, not the trauma or the wounds. It's a matter of peeling back the layers of pain to access our inner brilliance and life force. 

This work is ultimately for those who are truly ready and willing to sit with, face, and move through their darkness and pain. 

You, in your most beautiful, pure form, are waiting on the other side.






profits earned for clients

Clinical Psychology PhD Program

Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program / Earned Master's in Clinical Psychology /  Research Specializing in Chronic Illness X Trauma / Clinically-based mindfulness meditation training / Worked at #1 Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Hospital





Somatic Therapy Research

Dissertation research - Somatic & Psychological Effects of Chronic Illness in Children / Authored"The Relationships Between Chronic Illness & Management of Psychosocial Problems in Pediatric Primary Care," Journal of Pediatric Psychology

Clinical Work

Developmental Psychology & Trauma focus in PhD program / Outpatient trauma psychotherapy, Kent State Clinic / Childhood trauma therapy internship, Akron Children’s Hospital 

Journey to Heal

After leaving PhD program (Master's degree, sans license), my sole focus was healing. Found a holistic healer-shaman, and found wellness and inner wealth for the 1st time in my life. I was free and ready to live.

Somatic Training

One-on-one mentorship and training in Somatic Healing and alternative Healing modalities / Somatic Experiencing Course / Somatic Therapy for Complex Trauma...and more



May 2020


Expat / Soulmate

Backpacked through 15 countries / Lived in Thailand, Bali, India, Vietnam working with clients, teaching yoga and meditation /
Studied healing and yoga with renowned gurus / Met my soulmate and returned to the US....for now....

Pain became my purpose... eventually

I had to hit my rock bottom...for the 2nd time...before I finally accepted that I was ready to step into my power as a healer. The Truth Catalyst was born.

TTC 2.0

The next evolution of The Truth Catalyst is in the making...

Off-the-beaten--path to purpose


"Zahara has divine knowledge from the Universe. She's helped me break through my financial limited possibilities! My self-limiting beliefs are dissolving before my eyes! Thank you so much for guiding me through this enormous growth spurt!

brit / tech founder & ceo

i cannot recommend her enough


Zahara is not a licensed psychologist, social worker, therapist, or mental health professional. Her coaching services are not intended to be a substitute for psychotherapy, counseling, medical care, or any other form of professional mental health or medical treatment. She does not provide medical, mental health, or religious advice, nor does she diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any mental or physical health conditions.

While Zahara may offer opinions about potential outcomes of coaching, she cannot and does not guarantee any specific. The client remains fully responsible for their personal well-being, decisions, and actions during the coaching process.